A Mobile Service Straight To Your Home...

With thousands of professionals and ready-to-move therapist within your local area, taking care of your most pressing needs & issues is only a click of a button away. Our therapists are fully vetted and licensed professionals, ready to bring their services to your home.

Why Join Our Community?

These unprecedented times are creating vast opportunities for many professionals to change the way you operate, having to adapt to a different way of working. The mobile market is predicted to increase rapidly over the next year, creating opportunities to reach more clients, expand your business and substantially boost profits. As mobile professionals ourselves we understand how hard it is to grow and maintain a mobile business, in ever changing markets. For this reason we decided to join forces to support other professionals such as yourself.

About Us

Lucy Gnap and Gemma Eves have worked in this industry for many years. Lucy running a successful mobile tan business and Gemma working as a mobile massage therapist both working around London.

Over the past few years they have seen the trend towards home visits increase and it looks like this trend is going to rise dramatically with covid 19 having affected our industry so badly. This site was developed as they felt there was a gap in the market for self employed people.

Visit Me at home has therefore been created for self-employed people, a place where you can advertise your services all over the world for a small fee, helping to connect you to potential Clients.

Gemma Eves


Lucy Gnap


What Our Customers Say

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